5 Relaxing Self Care Actions
Checkpoint - how are you feeling? Like really feeling, right in this moment?
If you’re anything like me, the quickly approaching Christmas celebrations; school summer holidays; and ongoing work/ health/ family and life demands might be making you feel like there are more things on your to do list than time to do them.
While grand and time consuming self care gestures may make you feel fabulous; brief and effective self care actions can do that same thing, in less time.
Let’s take a look at 5 relaxing self care activities that are backed by science, take less than 20 minutes to be effective, and have the potential to help you replace your cranky pants with your dancing shoes.
The bonus is, you can combine them and get more bang for your time-buck!
Go on, give it a try and tell me which one worked best for you
Slow belly breathing
Action - Nice slow breathing that makes your belly fill up and empty slowly.
Result - Activated vagus nerve. This can release a relaxation response, reduce heart rate and blood pressure, and lower stress levels.
Move your muscles
Action - Any type of muscle movement! Do some star jumps, lunges, squats, walk, run, dance, get your muscles moving!
Result - Release of myokines, the hope hormones. Myokines can increase resilience to stress and have an antidepressant effect.
Spend time in nature
Action - sit or walk in nature, even a tree lined street counts if a beach or totally natural area is out of reach.
Result - A physiological relaxation response in our bodies. This can reduce heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension. Cortisol levels can lower, concentration can improve, and a deeper sense of connection can be felt.
Play with your pet
Action - Spend some time petting or playing with your beloved pet or furry friend.
Result - Boost of oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin - the “feel good” chemicals. Reduction in cortisol - the stress hormone. This can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, give you a sense of calm and enhance a sense of happiness and connection with others.
Read a book
Action - Take 5-10 minutes to read a book, any book that you can lose yourself in.
Result - An escape into a literary world of your choice; one that is free from your daily stressors. Reading can relax and ease tension in your body, lower your heart rate and blood pressure.