What if we recharged ourselves as often as we did our phones?

How often do you recharge your phone? My phone is recharged every night, sometimes during the day too. It’s pretty simple to recharge a phone, you connect it to a power outlet.

While the human body is phenomenally more complex than a phone, the principles of recharging the body remain quite simple;
🍉 Nourish your body - eat a variety of good, real good.
💃 Move your body - walk, run, stretch, do yoga, go cycling, go dancing.
😌 Rest your body - sleep, sit quietly, meditate, gentle activity that allows the body and mind to rest.
🌻 For an extra boost, do something that fills your cup and brings you joy, which will be different for each of us. For me, that means spending time being creative, enjoying the sunshine, and real conversations with good friends. For you that might be gardening, catching up with a group of friends, exploring new places.

Recharging ourselves doesn’t need to be difficult, expensive or time consuming; and maybe the next time you recharge your phone, you’ll choose to do something to recharge yourself also, whatever that may be.


5 Relaxing Self Care Actions


Massage is for every body.